we’re in this together and doing our part to help.

Our thoughts are with other businesses and the community during these tough times. We understand the troubles that everyone is facing. Our company’s goal is to keep employees and the public safe. To maintain productivity, we found a way to help our peers. We are offering cleaning and sanitizing areas that have dirt, grime, and bacteria. We use products that can clean the area with our industrial power washer.

An Old Town Alexandria restaurant hired our company to wash and clean the area in the alleyway. We removed almost a decade worth of grease, grime, weeds, and dirt.



Here is how it could benefit your business during this uncertain time:

1.       Cleaning and sanitizing alleyways, dense foot traffic areas, or driveways will decrease bacteria, rodent infestation, and spreading of germs.

2.       There is less traffic and less visitors, it is an excellent time to clean before it’s back to business.

3.       We work outside and do not have face to face interactions with non-employees.

4.       Customers appreciate clean and tidy restaurants and shops.

5.       Keeping your area clean improves the environment.

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